Festive Break at the Adept Office – 19/12/23
We’ll be closed for a Festive Break
The Adept offices will be closed on Friday 22nd December 2023 for the festive season and we’ll re-open the office doors on Wednesday 3rd January 2024 2023.
During this time our Telephone lines will closed but our Email & Data Repair Support will continue at a reduced level. You can still get Trial, Full & Annual Renewal Licences as our systems for this are Automated.
Don’t Panic! Our website has plenty of Help material and Videos available from the Support Menu & YouTube link above, including the most popular Add-On FAQs, Installation, Upgrades, Annual Licence Renewals, Downloading Again and much more. You’ve also got your Help documentation for the Adept Add-On which you view by selecting Menu>Help.
If you do experience any issues with purchasing a Full Licence or Annual Renewal on our preferred Payment providers website, please email us and we’ll send over a payment link from our secondary provider, please note that there may be a delay of 24 hours before you receive this request.
The Adept Team

Summer Break at the Adept Office – 12/06/23
We’ll be closed for a Summer Break
The Adept offices will be closed on Monday 3rd July for a well deserved break! Once our power packs are fully recharged we’ll re-open the office doors on Monday 10th July 2023.
During this time our Telephone lines will closed but our Email Support will continue, though response times will be slower than usual I’m afraid. You can still get Trial, Full & Annual Renewal Licences as our systems for this are Automated.
Don’t Panic! Our website has plenty of Help material and Videos available from the Support Menu & YouTube link above, including the most popular Add-On FAQs, Installation, Upgrades, Annual Licence Renewals, Downloading Again and much more. You’ve also got your Help documentation for the Adept Add-On which you view by selecting Menu>Help.
If you do experience any issues with purchasing a Full Licence or Annual Renewal on our preferred Payment providers website, please email us and we’ll send over a payment link from our secondary provider, please note that there may be a delay of 24/48 hours before you receive this request.
The Adept Team

New Report Tools Available – 04/05/23
We have 5 new Report Tools available to purchase
The Sage Invoice Profit Report is useless as it just looks at the Last Cost Price field on the Product Record. Our two new Invoice Profit Report Tools read the price from the actual stock transaction for the product being used. We have two versions of this Report Tool for if you create your Invoices from Sales Orders or if you create your Invoices in the Invoices and Credits Module.
We have two Report Tools for the Sales Order Module. Sales Order Weights adds up all the Weights of the products and gives a Total Weight for the Sales Order, it includes any components from BOM’s. Sales Order Picking List that shows all the components for BOM’s and Sub-Assemblies that may need to picked for any order.
The BACS Payment File from POP is quite specific and will not be suitable for most Sage users. It creates a fixed format BACS Payment CSV File that can be imported into online banking systems based on a selection of Purchase Orders.
For more information on our new range of Report Tools, please click here.
The Adept Team
Winter Break at the Adept Office – 06/02/23
We’ll be closed for a short Winter Break
The Adept offices will be closed on Friday 10th February for a well deserved break! Once our power packs are fully recharged we’ll re-open the office doors on Monday 20th February. I’m afraid our Data Repair Service will not be available during this period.
During this time our Telephone lines will closed but our Email Support will continue, though response times will be slower than usual I’m afraid. You can still get Trial, Full & Annual Renewal Licences as our systems for this are Automated.
Don’t Panic! Our great website has plenty of Help material and Videos available from the Support Menu & YouTube link above, including the most popular Add-On FAQs, Installation, Upgrades, Annual Licence Renewals, Downloading Again and much more. You’ve also got your Help documentation for the Adept Add-On which you view by selecting Menu>Help or Help from the main screen.
If you do experience any issues with an Annual Renewal on our preferred Payment Providers website, please email us and we’ll send over a payment link from our secondary provider, please note that there may be a delay of 24/48 hours before you receive this request.
The Adept Team

Upgrading to Sage v29 (2023) – 20/12/22
Sage will be releasing 50cloud Accounts v29 in January 2023! We are working hard to upgrade all of our Add-Ons for this new version of Sage 50cloud Accounts.
If your Adept Add-On is mission critical, before doing the next major version upgrade of Sage from “v28 or below to v29” you should check our website first. There’s two places you can check to see your Add-Ons Sage version compatibility.
On our Category pages for the Add-Ons it can be seen in the top right hand corner of a Tools tile
On the Add-Ons Tool page in the Add-On Compatibility and Pricing Section
We’ve started work on the upgrades and last year we had the v28 release of our CSV Import & Export Add-Ons out before Sage was! However, don’t take this for granted and please check as we’ve said above. Most of our Adept Add-Ons will be upgraded within 2/4 weeks of Sage v29 being released, with the exception of the Code Changers & Viewer Tools as these take a little longer to do.
The Adept Tools Team
Adept Add-Ons
How to check if your Adept Add-On is compatible with a version of Sage.
- Currently this is showing that the Add-On works with Sage 50 & 50cloud v29
- Unless otherwise stated, the Add-On will also work with any minor version number updates such as v27.2 or v28.1
- Our Adept Add-On Tools are backwards compatible when it comes to Sage versions and most go back to v8, but you should check in the page for the Add-On you have before proceeding.
Add-On Compatibility and Pricing
- Compatible with Sage 50 & 50cloud versions 8 to 29.
Price Increase from 1st January 2023 – 19/12/22
For only the second time in 25 years we are increasing our prices for the range of Adept Tools.
We are constantly updating our range of Tools for Sage 50 & 50cloud Accounts with great new features and hope to have a couple of new Add-Ons available later this year, so watch this space!
New Prices from 1st January 2023
- Tools currently priced at £150+VAT will increase to £180+VAT with a £36+VAT Annual Renewal Fee (20% of the RRP).
- Tools currently priced at £300+VAT will increase to £360+VAT with a £72+VAT Annual Renewal Fee (20% of the RRP).
- Tools currently priced at £600+VAT will increase to £720+VAT with a £144+VAT Annual Renewal Fee (20% of the RRP).
There will also be a small increase in our Data Repair Charges, please click here to see the details of these changes.
The Adept Tools Team

Transaction CSV Tool – 12/09/22
An update to improve SR & PP processing when VAT Cash accounting
Importing SR and PP Transactions when Cash VAT Accounting is in use:
When Cash VAT Accounting is enabled in Sage 50 transaction types SA, SR, SP, PA, PP and PR should normally include the same Tax Code and Tax Amount as the Invoice(s) or Credit Note(s) that the payment will be allocated to.
In order to make it easier to import a payment for an invoice that has more than one tax code the importer will automatically change the Tax Code and Amounts on SR and PP transactions to match the invoice(s) that the payment is being allocated to.
For example, If you import an SR transaction that matches a multi line invoice that includes both T0 and T1 transactions, the importer will automatically create two SR transactions in Sage. One with the T0 portion of the payment and the other with the T1 portion. The Tax Code specified on the SR row in the CSV file is only used if the importer has to create an unallocated SA transaction as mentioned above.
The full amount of the payment can be entered in the Net Amount column of the CSV file in which case the Tax Amount column should be zero. If you do enter a Tax Amount it will be added to the Net Amount to get the full amount of the payment.
This Improvement is available in Transaction CSV v28.0.82 and upwards, here’s a link for how you can update your Adept Tool.
The Adept Team

Summer Break at the Adept Office – 16/06/22
We’ll be closed for a short Summer Break
The Adept offices will be closed on Friday 1st July for a well deserved break! Once our power packs are fully recharged we’ll re-open the office doors on Monday 11th July. I’m afraid our Data Repair Service will not be available during this period.
During this time our Telephone lines will closed but our Email Support will continue, though response times will be slower than usual I’m afraid. You can still get Trial, Full & Annual Renewal Licences as our systems for this are Automated.
Don’t Panic! Our great website has plenty of Help material and Videos available from the Support Menu & YouTube link above, including the most popular Add-On FAQs, Installation, Upgrades, Annual Licence Renewals, Downloading Again and much more. You’ve also got your Help documentation for the Adept Add-On which you view by selecting Menu>Help or Help from the main screen.
If you do experience any issues with an Annual Renewal on our preferred Payment Providers website, please email us and we’ll send over a payment link from our secondary provider, please note that there may be a delay of 24/48 hours before you receive this request.
The Adept Team

Sage 50cloud Accounts v28.1 – 14/06/22
Sage 50cloud Accounts v28.1 has been released.
Sage have just released v28.1 of 50cloud Accounts which comes with some new features. Our range of Adept Add-On Tools are all compatible with this new version of Sage and you don’t need to update them, as long as you are currently using a v28 Adept Tool. The new features in Sage 50cloud Accounts v28.1 are:
- Option to remember your login details and a Read Only user type.
- Run multiple copies of Sage at the same time.
- Duplicate an Invoice as an SO and vice versa.
- Five new widgets for business dashboards.
- Search and Filter options on Quotes.
- Intelligent pasting of a whole address into address fields.
- Batch Supplier Invoices has an option to mark a PI as disputed.
- More places to enter the Extra Ref on transactions.
- Payment due immediately payment terms.
- New Data Management dialog assists with data clear down.
- Audit trail cleardown has option to turn off Bank reconciliation.
This new release is not for everyone though and there is some important information when using Sage 50 Manufacturing or Sage Job Costing. Sage 50cloud Accounts v28.1 isn’t compatible with Sage 50 Manufacturing or Sage Job Costing.
The Adept Tools Team
Transaction CSV – 26/05/22
A great new feature when using the Variable Field CSV format.
We’ve added a new field called GROSS_AMOUNT to our joint best selling Add-On Tool which is now available in Transaction CSV v28.0.80. There’s also some changes to the TAX_CODE field.
The field TAX_CODE is only optional if using Standard VAT accounting and Variable CSV format. The Defaults used if the TAX_CODE column is left out are:
- SI and SC – The default Tax Code from the Customer’s account.
- PI and PC – The default Tax Code from the Supplier’s account.
- BR, CR and VR – The default Sales Ledger Tax Code from Settings / Customer Defaults.
- BP, CP and VP – The default Purchase Ledger Tax Code from Settings / Supplier Defaults.
- All other transaction types – The Non Vatable Tax Code from Settings / Company Preferences (usually T9).
The field GROSS_AMOUNT is only available if using Variable CSV format, GROSS is a valid alias for GROSS_AMOUNT. The Net and Tax amounts are calculated from the Gross in the same way as Sage’s “Calculate Net (F9)” feature. An error will occur if either TAX_AMOUNT or NET_AMOUNT columns exist when there is a GROSS_AMOUNT column.
The Adept Tools Team
Winter Break at the Adept Office – 11/02/22
We’ll be closed for a short Winter Break
The Adept offices will be closed on Monday 21st February for a well deserved break! Once our power packs are fully recharged we’ll re-open the office doors on Monday 28th February. I’m afraid our Data Repair Service will not be available during this period.
During this time our Telephone lines will closed but our Email Support will continue, though response times will be slower than usual I’m afraid. You can still get Trial, Full & Annual Renewal Licences as our systems for this are Automated.
Don’t Panic! Our great website has plenty of Help material and Videos available from the Support Menu & YouTube link above, including the most popular Add-On FAQs, Installation, Upgrades, Annual Licence Renewals, Downloading Again and much more. You’ve also got your Help documentation for the Adept Add-On which you view by selecting Menu>Help.
If you do experience any issues with an Annual Renewal on our preferred Payment Providers website, please email us and we’ll send over a payment link from our secondary provider, please note that there may be a delay of 24/48 hours before you receive this request.
The Adept Team

Sage Critical Software Update – 17/01/22
Sage are making some essential security updates to Sage 50 Accounts.
Sage are making some essential security updates to Sage 50 Accounts / Sage 50cloud Accounts in Spring 2022 which means that anyone running v26.2 or below will not be able to use their software beyond this time.
Click here to view the Sage knowledgebase article for more information.
To find out which version you are currently running, in your Sage software click Help and About. If you have recently updated your software to v28 you can ignore this message.
The Adept Tools Team